If a dementia patient is wandering in and out of the house, what stage of dementia would it be?

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If a dementia patient is wandering in and out of the house, what stage of dementia would it be?

Dementia is a progressive neurological disease that affects millions of people around the world. One of the common symptoms of dementia is wandering, which allows you to wander around the house or in unfamiliar places without a specific purpose or destination. Wandering can vary depending on the stage of dementia and should be approached with sensitivity and understanding. In this article, we will look at the different stages of dementia and see how wandering behavior occurs at each stage.

The early stages of dementia.

In the early stages of dementia, you can be relatively independent and your memory may not be significantly reduced or confused. However, subtle changes can begin to appear in your cognitive abilities. The wandering behavior at this stage may be sporadic or less frequent. It can be simply because of anxiety, or because of a desire to participate in familiar activities or routines.

At this early stage, individuals may have an increased need for routine and familiarity. They may move around the house looking for something specific, such as misplaced items or toilets. Wandering may also be caused by boredom or a desire for stimulation. To reduce the likelihood of wandering, it is essential to create a safe environment that encourages participation and provides meaningful activities.

The middle stage of dementia.

As dementia progresses to the mid-term, cognitive decline can worsen, and memory, problem solving, and communication can become difficult. At this stage, wandering behavior can become more common, and it can occur due to confusion or unaware of familiar environments.

Wandering can have several underlying causes in the middle of dementia. It can be driven by a person’s misconception of being somewhere else, or disorientation in finding someone. They can wander due to instability in trying to escape an unfamiliar or overwhelming environment. Wandering can also be a response to an unmet need, such as hunger, thirst, or discomfort. Understanding and addressing the cause can help reduce wandering events and keep the person safe.

Late-stage dementia.

In the late stages of dementia, you need extensive help with your daily life. Memory, communication, and cognitive function are greatly impaired, which can lead to difficulty in recognizing familiar faces and places. At this stage, wandering behavior can be more aimless and repetitive.

People with terminal dementia can roam around the house without a clear direction or goal. They can also walk aimlessly, often becoming frustrated or agitated. Wandering can be a result of instability, lack of stimulation, or disconnection from surroundings.