What do you do if your family can get dementia?

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What do you do if your family can get dementia?

Dementia is a difficult disease that affects millions of people around the world, including many elderly people. If you think your parents are experiencing symptoms of dementia, it is essential to take action and find the right support. This article aims to guide you through the steps that address this situation and ensure that your parents receive the care and assistance they need to maintain their health. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized advice.

Recognizing Signs of Dementia.

Knowing the signs of dementia can help parents identify unusual behavior or cognitive decline. These common symptoms may include:

– Memory loss: forgetfulness, especially regarding recent events or important information.
– Difficulties in daily tasks: Difficulty performing familiar activities such as cooking or managing your finances.
– Language problems: Struggling to find the right words or following the conversation.
– Disorientation: getting lost in a familiar place or experiencing confusion about time and place.
– Changes in mood and personality: uncharacteristic mood swings, aggression, or unexplained indifference.

If any of these symptoms are found, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

I’m looking for medical advice.

If your parents suspect they have dementia, the first step is to make an appointment with your primary care physician. Explain your concerns and give specific examples of the behavior or symptoms you have discovered. Doctors will perform thorough tests, which can include reviewing your parents’ medical history, as well as physical and neurological tests. Based on their assessments, they can refer their parents to a neurologist or geriatrician for further assessment.

Creating a Support Environment.

It is important to create an environment where you can support your parents once the diagnosis is confirmed. These may include:

– Routine Settings: Maintaining a structured routine can help reduce anxiety and confusion in people with dementia.
– Simplifying the environment: Making living spaces safe and systematic, removing clutter, and labeling critical items can improve your ability to navigate around.
– Provide emotional support: Provide confidence, patience, and understanding as parents adjust to their condition. Encourage open communication and provide opportunities for socialization.
– Care Options Survey: Depending on the severity of your parent’s condition, you may need to explore home care or subsidiary life options to ensure your parent’s safety and well-being.

Connecting with Support Services.

Dealing with dementia can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone.